Friday, September 19, 2014

Confessions of a Wannabe Artist

   So yeah.  The title pretty much says it all.  I'm an aspiring artist in her senior year of college.  Technically, my major is psychology, and I have a minor in studio art, but I've taken on an extra strong passion for art, so I'm looking into an art career right now.  But I'm not in it for fame or any monetary gain (pfft, yeah right).  Art is something I love that makes me feel content, and that is why I want to be an artist.  I know I probably won't make a lot of money and that's okay.  I'm not looking for money; I'm looking for happiness.
   I didn't really have an interest in art for a long time.  I took art classes in elementary school, but they always seemed so controlling on what we could and couldn't do, so I lost interest.  This scared me off until college, when I decided I wanted to learn to draw.  I started taking art classes my sophomore year of college and traded in my second major in sociology for a minor in studio art.
   What art do I do specifically?  Well, primarily I make jewelry and origami, and I'm also learning to draw.  I've been drawing for a couple of years and I still don't think I'm good enough, but we all feel like that at times, don't we?  Seriously, tell me.  I don't know.  My plan is to post a little of everything I do, but for the next several months I'll be putting up a lot of stuff that has to do with the human body.  I'm taking a class this semester, Approaches to the Human Figure, and I'll be putting up pieces inspired by provocations from my teacher, along with drawings of live models.  That's about it for my introduction, so I'll say to stay tuned even though no one's following my blog right now.  Later.

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